Sunday, June 29, 2008

development discourse - quote 1

"In order for someone to conceive the possibility of escaping from a particular condition, it is necessary first to feel that one has fallen into that condition. For those who make up two-third of the world’s population today, to think of development … requires first the perception of themselves as underdeveloped, with the whole burden of connotations that this carries." -
G. Esteva

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ask the dust - john fante

this is charles bukowski`s favorite author - the one who made him the writer he was - & i cannot grasp why i have waited so long to open one of his books. but its good. real good. so good in fact that im not sure why i am writing about it here, when i really should be heading to the nearest cafe to finish off the remaining chapters...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"out of my mind; back in five minutes"

too bad i dont wear bracelets otherwise i`d get this one in a heartbeat. the bracelets from jessica kagan cushman also come with some other fitting slogans like "frankly, my dear, i dont give a damn" or "you can agree with me or you can be wrong." how true!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

hire him!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

falling flowers

the weather in oslo has been totally shite lately, but at least i have got myself a new cute raincoat from french connection... i was just supposed to wait 15 mins for the chemist to get my prescriptions ready and woops, there it was next door, half off!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


another reason to miss adelaide
read more about the new store here